Story of My Sucessful

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Story of My Life

I am waiting for your story of life also, I am being problem past remember my life about my family. I am not happy my family, I have my family for not being cooperative with me. I always clean in our house everyday but still dirty house. I feel so tired and make angry. I don’t want dirty in our house. I observe brother of Jhonatan is very lazy. Jhonatan is not responsible for my house. Jhonatan always out friend with drinking beer. Jhonatan always phone talk a friend in our house. I know it, I always washing machine my clothes and Jhonatan’s clothes why Jhonatan don’t want washing for clothes and not for family why I feel hurt and make me so angry. Sometimes I arrive house night. I saw not food so I look food. I feel hungry why Jhonatan no concern for food breakfast, lunch and dinner, Jhonatan is not cooking meal. Jhonatan is very lazy only. Sometimes Jhonatan was not respectful. I feel hurt so much because he was not respectful, impolite and boastful. My father works security, guard then my father will finish work then arrive in house. Why my father always angry at Jhonatan and me because he was angry and not cooperative help in our house. I hate My father already salary give few money to me because he have need something and fare for school but My father keep money only few money for fare school. My father have a new sweetheart girl but I think maybe not sure, My father will not show sweetheart then My father hide for sweetheart only. I guess only. I was bad my life change attitude then I don’t want good attitude so I want to out any place appointment my barkada in our Gimmick Bar. He doesn’t obey and not follow rule in our family. I will arrive in our house late night because he always out appointment after home late night. Reymond is not going to home and my friend’s house sleep. Jhonatan and me don’t want listen to My father what Father speak to us, I always angry at Jhonatan because his never clean our house. Jhonatan is very lazy and spoil

I am being hated Father and Jhonatan. My father not gives money sometime for fare and boan school. I any no more cleanly in our house. I leave dirty living room and kitchen in our house. I copy Jhonatan, I am lazy also this.

I am start being to try best my life charge today because his want to adjust my life good attitude and gentleman. I want to show good role and responsible for my house and family. I hope that me will be a good family and study very harder work I’m responsible for my house and I have sometime matter little problem my life, try best hard reach goal and until I get graduating so well.

I am happy with family, I want to be continuing study and hard work. I hope that I always pray for safe my family, good keep up the work and be responsible for my family and house. I really special love you very much my family and Grandmother.

I make a write Letter and Story of My life real, I feel crying now…


At 4:45 PM, Blogger Darnell Clayton said...

Hey buddy, everything Ok? If you need help, advice or just want to vent, let me know.


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