Story of My Sucessful

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Two Boxes

Two Boxes
(I hope I get this back. Please keep it going. This has been going since Dec. 1, 2000 ~ please send it on.)
God's Boxes
I have in my hands two boxes,
Which God gave me to hold.
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box,
And all your joys in the gold."
I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,
Both my joys and sorrows I stored,
But though the gold became heavier each day,
The black was as light as before.
With curiosity, I opened the black,
I wanted to find out why,
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole,
Which my sorrows had fallen out by.
I showed the hole to God, and mused,
"I wonder where my sorrows could be!"
He smiled a gentle smile and said,
"My child, they're all here with me.."
I asked God, why He gave me the boxes,
Why the gold and the black with the hole?
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,
The black is for you to let go."
We should consider all of our friends a blessing.
Send this to a friend today just to let them know you
are thinking of them and that they are a joy in your life.
A ball is a circle, no beginning,no end.
It keeps us together like our Circle of ! Friends.
But the treasure inside for you to see,
Is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me.
Today I pass the friendship ball to you.
Pass it on to someone who is a friend to you...
Okay, here goes, instantly when you receive his letter, you
should send it to at least 10 people to brighten their day,
including the person who sent it to you.
Find a guy, who calls you beautiful instead of hot.
Who calls you back when you hang up on him.
Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead.
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.
Who holds your hand in front of his friends.
Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.
Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's her."
If u open this U have to repost it or you will have bad luck for the rest of your life!!!!!!!............
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they like you.
Something good will happen to you at approx 1:42pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere.
So get ready for the biggest shock of your life.
If you break this chain, you will be cursed with relationship problems for the most important time of your life.
Send this to 15 people in 15 minutes to carry on the chain...and spare you the emotional stress.

The Twelve Apostles Peter

The Twelve Apostles Peter The pebble that became a rock
His name was Simon. He was a fisherman. He lived in Capernaum. He was married. Jesus changed his name to Peter. (Mark 3:16, Luke 6:14) Peter is a nick name for Simon. It is from the Greek word "petros" meaning rock Peter is also called Cephas. That is from the Aramaic word "kepha" meaning rock Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered him, "You are Christ, son of God" Jesus said to him, "You are Peter and on this rock, I will build my church." (Mat16:18) Peter was one of three apostles who were the closest to Jesus. He tried to protect Jesus. He tried to talk Jesus out of going to Jerusalem. In the garden when the soldiers were going to arrest Jesus, he used his sword and wounded a servant. Peter made some bad choices. At the Last Supper, Peter promised Jesus he would always be there for him. He wasn't there for Jesus He fell asleep at the Garden after Jesus asked him to pray with him. He denied knowing Jesus when Jesus was arrested. Peter made some good choices After the Resurrection of Jesus, Peter took charge of all the apostles. He was a leader in the early church. He traveled and preached constantly.
Matthew Mark Luke, John Acts, Galations, I and II Peter
The Twelve Apostles Andrew
Andrew and his brother Simon were fishermen. They lived in Capernaum. They had a fishing business with James and John.
Andrew watched Jesus be baptized. He talked with Jesus. He was convinced Jesus was the Messiah. He wanted to follow Jesus. Andrew was the first apostle. Andrew got his brother Simon, to meet Jesus. Jesus accepted Simon as his apostle too Jesus changed his name from Simon to Peter. Later Jesus came for Andrew and Peter saying, "I will make you fishers of Men." At the feeding of the five thousand, Andrew brought the little boy to Jesus. Andrew brought many people to see Jesus. Andrew was very faithful to Jesus Andrew loved Jesus very much.
Matthew 4:18; 10:3 Mark 1:16; 1:29; 3:18 Luke 6:14; 1:40-44; 6:8; 12:22 Acts 1:13

The Twelve Apostles James The son of Zebedee From weakness to witness
James was a fisherman. James was mending his nets when Jesus asked him to be his apostle. James and John were brothers. They both had tempers. Jesus nicknamed them "The Sons of Thunder" James asked Jesus to send fire to a village that wouldn't allow Jesus to come there. Jesus had to correct him. James and John asked if they would be given places at the right and left hand of Jesus. Again, Jesus had to correct them. James became a great apostle. He is the only one whose martyrdom is mentioned in the New Testament.(Acts 12:1-2)
Matthew 4 :21; 10:2; 17:1 Mark 1:19, 29: 3:17; 5:37;9:2; 10:35, 41 Luke 5:10; 6:14; 8:51; 9:28, 54 Acts 1:13; 12:2 Galations 2:12

The Twelve Apostles John From Temper to Tenderness
John was the son of Zebedee John had a brother. Johns brother, James was also an apostle John and James were fishermen John was important to Jesus. John was there with Peter and James at the Transfiguration, the raising of Jairus's daughter and at the garden the night Jesus was arrested. John and Peter were selected to prepare the Last Supper. John was the "Beloved one" to Jesus. When Jesus was on the cross, he asked John to take care of his mother, Mary. She spent the rest of her life in John's home. John had a terrible temper. He and his brother were often called, "Sons of Thunder" He was one of the first to go to the empty tomb of Jesus. He was arrested after healing in Jesus' name. He preached to the authorities. John wrote five books in the New Testament He wrote the Gospel according to John. He wrote John I, II, III. He wrote Revelations. He lived to a very old age at Ephsus.
Matthew 4:21; 10:2; 17:1 Mark 1:19; 2:29; 3:17; 5:37; 9:2-38; 10:35-41; 13:3; 14:33 Luke 5:10; 6:14; 8:51; 9:28--54;22:8 The gospel according to John, Acts 1:13; 3:1-11; 4:13-19: 8:14: 12:2; Galations 2:9 John I, II, III Revelations

The Twelve Apostles James The son of Alphaeus From Silence to Sainthood
James was an apostle. James was a quiet man. James and Matthew were brothers. He lived in Galilee. His name means supplanter James followed Jesus faithfully. James loved Jesus.
Matthew 10:3 Mark 3:18 Luke 6:15 Acts 1:13

The Twelve Apostles Philip From Inquiry to Insight
Philip was from Bathsaida of Galilee. He was the fourth man to follow Jesus. He was the first man to whom Jesus said, "Follow me." As soon as he was asked to follow Jesus, he ran to tell his friend, Nathaneal. Nathaneal said that he doubted Jesus was the Messiah. Philip said to him, "Come and see." Philip was practical. He was at the "Feeding of the five thousand". He knew they didn't have the money to buy the food to feed all those people. Jesus found a way. Some of the people spoke a foreign language. They spoke Greek Philip was the first to introduce these people to Jesus. No one else wanted to. Philip was a good apostle. He was faithful to Jesus always.
Matthew 10:3 Mark 3:18 Luke 6:14 John 1:43-48; 6:5-7; 12:21-22; 14:8-9 Acts 1:13

The Twelve Apostles Bartholomew
Bartholomew is also known as Nathaneal. Bartholomew is the son of Tolmai Bartholomew was born in Cana in Galilee Jesus said that Bartholomew was a man who was good. Bartholomew loved Jesus.
Matthew 10:3 Mark 3:18 Luke 6:14 John 1:45-49; 21:2 Acts 1:13 (Nathaneal)

The Twelve Apostles Thomas From Doubt to Dedication
Thomas is also know as Didymus Thomas is Hebrew for the Twin Didymus is Greek for the twin Thomas was courageous. Jesus heard of his friend Lazarus, Jesus decided to make the dangerous trip back to see him. The apostles tried to talk him out of going back. Thomas said, "Let us go with Jesus." John 11:1-16
Thomas was also full of doubt. Jesus came to visit the apostles in the Upper Room after his Resurrection. Thomas was not there. The apostles told Thomas that Jesus had come. Thomas would not believe them. Thomas said, "Unless I see him myself, I will not believe." Eight days later, Jesus again came to them. Thomas was there this time. Jesus said to Thomas, "Do not be faithless, but believe." Thomas dropped to his knees. He was full of faith. He was so sorry for doubting. Thomas said, "My Lord and My God."
Matthew 10:3 Mark 3:18 Luke 6:15 John 11:16; 14:5; 20:24-29 21:2 Acts 1:13

The Twelve Apostles Matthew From Business to Brotherhood
Levi was the son of Alphaeus. He was a tax collector Tax collectors were hated by the people. Tax collectors often cheated the people and took more money than they should. One day Jesus saw Levi sitting in the tax office. Jesus said to him, "Follow me." Levi got up, left everything and followed Jesus He had a new job. He was now an apostle and followed Jesus He had a new name. It was now Matthew. Matthew was a very good record keeper. He kept records of much of what Jesus said. He wrote in detail the Sermon on the Mount. Matthew was the first man to write down what Jesus taught us He wrote the Gospel according to Matthew.
Matthew 9:9; 10:3 Mark 2:14 (Levi); 3:18 Luke 5:27-29 (Levi); 6:15 Acts 1:13

The Twelve Apostles Judas Iscariot From Resentment to Ruin
Judas was from Kerioth in Southern Palestine. All the other apostles were from Galilee. He was such a good man that Jesus selected Judas to follow him. The other apostles elected him to handle their money. What happened to Judas? Why did he do that terrible thing? At the Last Supper, Jesus knew what was in the heart of Judas. Jesus said to all the apostles that one of them would betray him. If Judas had felt bad and owned up to what he had done, Jesus would have forgiven him. Instead, Judas left the table and went off to meet the elders. He was the one that was going to betray Jesus. The elders paid him 30 pieces of silver. IN the garden, Judas walked to Jesus. Judas kissed Jesus. Jesus said, "Are you betraying me with a kiss?" The soldiers arrested Jesus.
Judas felt bad for what he had done. He ran to the elders. Judas told them Jesus was innocent He tried to return the money. They wouldn't take it back. Judas threw the money on the floor. He ran away. Judas was sad. Judas was no longer an apostle.
Matthew 10:4; 26:14-27 Mark 3:19; 14:10, 43 Luke 6:16; 22:3-48 John 6:71; 12:4 13:2-29; 18:2-5 Acts 1:16-25

The Twelve Apostles Simon the Zealot From patriotism to evangelism
Simon was an apostle He was called Simon the Zealot He belonged to a group of people that terrorized the Romans. A zealot was the name of a person that belonged to this group The Zealots were not nice people. They were mean. When Simon became an apostle, he learned to control his energy. He became more understanding He became more giving. He became wiser. He followed Jesus He listened to Jesus He learned from Jesus. He loved Jesus
Matthew 10:3 Mark 3:18 Luke 6:15 Acts 1:13

The Twelve Apostles Thaddeus (Jude)
Also called Jude, Judas the son of James, or Lebbaeus.
Thaddeus is the least known of the apostles.
He spoke only one time in the Gospels.
At the Last Supper he asked Jesus, " Lord, how is it that you will show yourself only to those that love you? Why not the whole world?"(John 14:22-23)
Jesus answered him, "If a man loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him."
Luke 6:16; John 14:22; Acts 1:13. As Lebbaeus Matthew 10:3 As Thaddeus Mattthew 10:3; Mark 3:18

The Twelve Apostles Matthias
Jesus had been crucified. Judas was no longer an apostle. There were about 120 people waiting in the Upper Room as Jesus had instructed. Peter stood up and said, " With Judas gone, we should get someone to take his place. Jesus selected twelve apostles and now there are just eleven. This man should have traveled with us from the time Jesus was baptized until the time he was taken from us" The people talked and came up with two names. One of the men was Barsabbas. The other man was Matthias. They prayed,"Lord, which of these men would you like to take the place of Judas?" They cast lots and the lot fell on Matthias. Matthias was an apostle. There were twelve apostles again
Acts 1:21-26

The Twelve Apostles Paul
Paul is not one of the twelve apostles. Paul's name was Saul. Saul never met Jesus. Saul was a devout Jew. He didn't like the Christians. He felt that the new religion was wrong and harmful to his Jewish religion. He was mean to the new Christians. He would find them and turn in their names to the authorities. One day when Saul was carrying a list of Christian names to the authorities, Jesus appeared to him. Saul was temporarily blinded. Jesus sent him to stay with Ananias for a while. While Saul was there, He learned about Christianity. He loved it. Ananias baptized him into the Christian faith. His name was changed to Paul He tried so hard to destroy Christianity, now Paul was a Christian. Paul did so much to teach people about Christianity. He traveled. He preached. He was even put in prison for two years for spreading Christianity. He made three long trips. He converted countless people. He started numerous churches. He wrote many Epistles. Paul was a changed man. Paul loved Jesus.
Acts 13:38 Romans I and II Corinthians Galations Ephesians Philippians Colossians I and II Thessalonians I and II Timothy Titus Philemon II Peter

Make You Happy

"Make You Happy"by CEline Dion
No more sadnessI wanna be the one to make you happyI wanna be the one to give you hopeBut in these days of conscious livingWe've got to take it slowYou can't be sure of who you've metYou just don't know what you might getCause in these crazy times we're livingLove can turn into regretBut you, could be the one to change my point of viewIt's all up to you, , , Give you love without the painShow you light beyond the rainGonna make you happyGonna make you happy nowThere'll be days when things go wrongI'll be there to make you strongGonna make you happyGonna make you happyI wanna find a place where dreams can happenI wanna find a love who'll take me thereAnd in your eyes I see a visionThat makes me want to careAnd if two people both agreeThat only love can set them freeThen together let us make a worldOf which others only dream, , , ..And you can be the one to make it all come trueSo what you gonna doI'll give you love without the painShow you light beyond the rainGonna make you happyGonna make you happy nowThere'll be days when things go wrongI'll be there to keep you strongGonna make you happy, Make you happy nowSome days the sun don't wanna shineAnd I'll be yours and you'll be mineGonna make you happy, happyI ain't the kind to be untrueWanna spend my life with you, , , ..Gonna make you happy, , , ..Make you happy YeahMake you happy Gonna make you happyMake you happy Make you feel so goodMake you happy Happy in loveMake you happy Love without the painMake you happy Light beyond the rainMake you happy Gonna make you feel so goodMake you happy HappyMake you happy Yeah Yeah YeahMake you happyIt's all up to youI'll give you love without the painShow you light beyond the rainGonna make you happyGonna make you happy nowThere'll be days when things go wrongI'll be there to keep you strongGonna make you happy, make you happy nowSome days the sun don't wanna shineAnd I'll be yours and you'll be mineGonna make you happy, make you happy nowI ain't the kind to be untrueWanna spend my life with you, , , .Gonna make you happy yeahMake you happy yeahBe your love I wanna be your loveShow you light beyond the rainSo what ya gonna doI give you love without the painShow you light beyond the rain

Special TEAM for Deaf Persons Foundation, Inc

Mr. Raymond Ilagan
Quezon City

Dear Raymond,

Past and current efforts from both government and non-government sectors to integrate persons with disabilities (PWDS) into the mainstream of soicety have shaped up a more positive attuide towards the contribution and potentail of this secto. Despite these efforts, much remains to be done in promoting access to employment and entreprenurial opportunities for and the participation of the PWDS in governanc. Morover, rapid changing economic and soical situations continue to challenge these efforts, making it more imperative for government, non-government,private sector, international organizations, concerned parents and persons with disabilitiesthemselves to work in a more unified manner.

This situation is equally witnessed plight of the Deaf group or the hearing impaired individuals. The Deaf, specifically the younths, are in need of support in the area of productivity training employment, entrepreneurial skills, including psycho-social preparedness to blend in the day-to-day interaction in the formal employment circles.

The Special Training Employment, Advocacy and Management for Deaf Persons Foundation Inc. (STEAMDPFI), a non-stock, non-profit organization, has been involved in soical preparation and skills development for Deaf youths since 1997. Its unique program involving the cooperation has of sympathetic partner-enterprises, in particular the Jollibee Foods Corporation has successfully placed young Deaf people in mainstream jobs. The Program involves training the hearing as much as the Deaf in order to create workplaces conducive to the full development of the Deaf Younth.

To further promote the economic integration of the Deaf, the Special Training Employment, Advocacy and Management for Deaf Persons Foundation Inc (STEAMDPFI) in collaboration with Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC), National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Technical Educational and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), National Council for the Welfare of the Disabled Persons(NCWDP), Presidential Task Force on the 20:20 Initiatives, and the Philippines-Austrilla Community Assistance Program (PACAP) of the Austrilla Agency for International Development (AusAID), are inviting you as our special guest to the 1st Case Conference on Mainstream Deaf Youths on 23 july 2002 at 12:oo noon at the Virata Hall, 2nd Floor, Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), San Miguel Drive, Oritgas Complex, Pasig City. The theme of the conference will be "Reflections on Facilitating Deaf Training and Employment". The Conference will include presentations of experience by the Deaf and the Jollibee Foods Corporation (representing the private sector) in the actually training and Employment of the Deaf.

For further details, please call Ms. Veronica Samio at telephone number 413-8461 or 410-6575.

We look forward to your to your meaning participation in this Conference. We believe that a more effective social response to the needs of the Deaf is ensured through the genuine support and commitment of the government and other development partners.

This response will help rebuild thousands of lives.

Best Regards.

Very truly yours,

Chairperson, STEAMDPFI

Sunday, April 02, 2006

National Service Training Program Civic Welfare 2 "CARITAS"

1 While blind folded, I was allowed to touch anything. I wanted but. I felt after of what I had became no helping hard was extended to me which mode me understand the difficulty of being a blind.

We interacted with blind people feed them lunch and baby sitted for whole day activity.

2 Education would be improved
Each individual’s skill is necenary to help others

3 The center need more help from other people to support its goals and objectives in helping blind individuals.

4 One day of service is inadequate

Socially Responsible
Deeply rooted in faith
Professionally competence
Filipino in ideals
Appreciated Uniqueness
Respect each individual’s uniqueness

6 Like the Deaf people the blind also needs attention of the society to be treated like an equal.

Fr. Luke
1 All: Fr. Luke have to give many activities from catholic church, we pay attention to Fr. Luke if what he said; he wants to pray to faith from people in world.

Social Responsible – service for take care of children
Deeply rooted in faith – commit services and strong cooperation
Spiritually – he feel make empathy to Deaf people by sign language.
Professionally Competence – show right way attitude and behavior
Filipino Ideal – he feel reflect identity same including blind, disable, deaf in world.
Creativity – he make happy about new organization from catholic church of Deaf People
Appreciated Uniqueness – he have own identity and teach how to help with Deaf people.

6 We have to profit from Fr. Luke lecture about his life, church
we need to inspire ourselves from the faith of God.

DLSU – Main “Star Office”
1 All: we melt at the airport and we will go to DLSU Main to look to find the Star Office.
We will wait for employee because they have lunch out, we will meet them and have an interview.
2 All: we hope for cooperation to go to PCOD for the purpose of needing to give our skills,

3 All” we need to adjust to her/his new life and we have to experience many different things from the company. We must know and learn about the company from DLSU- Main. If we have to realize about that.

4 All: we have to make an advocacy from Star Office at the DLSU – Main and we need to improve to be aware for Fr. Luke and Lyn. We need to contribute good service Deaf people from any place.

5. BCV
Social Responsible – we should help poor people and disable at streets.
Deeply rooted in faith – we pray god to give blessing to them and be safe and be protected.
Spiritually – we need to show love for them.
Professionally Competence – show love and concern
Filipino Ideal – all people are at the same way like the Deaf people as well.
Appreciated Uniqueness – all people can know to identity as well.

6 we commit and love Deaf people and make them inspire to be proud because they are human being.

1 All we call to nun
Welcome visitor
Introduce one
No asking of questions for another
Nun provides us with disability guidance
One partner with another blind and disable.
Showing of respect to others.

2 Reymond: how to help them walk and be love able to
Arnold: knowledge how to avoid neglecting
Jan Loraine: need help and take care of being & disabled who use
Hazel: take care and support, cooperation
Lelane: provide services and feed them with care
Bronson: I need them to learn how to respect their right ways

3 All: we encourage them to be inspired and learn how to be good to them

4 Bronson: need good food
Jan Loraine: need to give vitamin for saving health
Lelane: need to give time to enjoy with others
Arnold: need those to be at play ground
Hazel: need to give more materials for them

Socially Responsible – service for children who need to be taken of
Deeply Rooted in faith – commit to service and have strong cooperation given by our group
Spiritually – we feel empathy to them
Professionally Competence – show good attitude and behavior toward them
Filipino Ideal – Deaf identity similar to blind, disable
Creativity – try that is comfortable.
Appreciated Uniqueness – we have own identity about different kinds of good.

6 we enjoy to listen them what they want and need. We love to service for them and hope we continue to future in a strong service.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I’m just here at home and evening at Saturday and Sunday, what I love doing reading watch t.v news good or bad happen in PHILIPPINES any time and I just sometime watch at television news or country of the channel something else all about it. I got feeling thirsty chunky to eat any time this afternoon and I have assignment as busy no time study first because I got felt stress too many, I did not to go to sleeping because too late why I want it but I felt so comfortable watching at television to be still and I’ve enjoy with my family or friends just our house neighbor because we are talking with my family and each to other of always. I looking this only say recently about what is else just asking to talkative family with each to other that is why news happens about is describe who name a person another I don’t know what else about is happen this caner or death and any kidnapping on the park street but it’s so difficult very danger somebody people care or sensitive it’s depend on time afternoon to evening or moon. I feeling realize about news happen so, I did no anymore but it’s depend on my time or friend appointment go to the anywhere and I say too understand with on my friend after we are to go at the mega mall center on time and I will text at friend or another somebody tell will did say waiting for reply at me. When I am got wake up at morning still all day Then I will get on my cellophane text have a message received on friend at me and this night, I read about personal and I will tell that is okay text reply at one close together on her. I say good night and take care so, I will see you again. I’m got to go to sleeping at night late. When this morning I got wake up at be late. I just got rest minute and merienda time already then I got towel take a bath already and I’m got dress up and make up on time after she mommy pleasant call at me, it is ok later, we have at lunch 12:00nn and with my family waiting for us. We have to plan some things already I will leave at 1:00pm on my way and Lawton, Vito Cruz just our near SDEAS somebody told me that what doing to today what this for? Student my mate here it’s not during a class time and class off day this only. We have a meeting only after we will leave appointment go to the anywhere at afternoon to night already. I’m go home at be late because no afraid my parents did got not mad with me, so I just information tell good night each one father and mother tradition culture of always. But that is why some time she or he the both said we should be good doing respect or whom some arrive home at any time but his father and mother see got mad speak if you do care themselves also sister and brother to be must what you are doing at home and she said do early, sleep overtime depend on time or any something hard work. it look good discipline to be responsible and understand good work than more house neighbors not need to talkative outside just in our garden this stop. We are not allow because overtime to doing outside they are going to new friend house neighbor talkative but she said me that old close we in grow childhood and adulthood friend house neighbor we are allow and understand, I got felt so cool or comfortable because it’s different the both I felt know that you are my friend ex-childhood house neighbor their some migration house country or another but I did not know remember who is name describe this, I can’t remember and I don’t know we in grow up for a long time. When I will text my classmate one my close together we meet at appointment with my friends, I’ve enjoy with so much because I want to express you share us about your experience with each to other and too me laugh I got understand okay. By the way, I got up at morning and we have at lunch this 12:00nn already then I got felt take a rest on the chair just watching on television news happen title reality country 27 channel I read story is about news happen while a ago in your experience I feel so think, maybe look as same as time in the Philippines have includes in our people news happens is about all about it. However what I love doing just got handbook to reading the story about is about topic understand and dream and I sometime or it’s depend on my time always dictionary words new unique it do meaning I understand eager to learn as same as time subject other. But I did not remind out of appear forget I felt so too many stress have a homework or time other and we have a meeting that is why I sometime feeling did can’t not know word of finger speaking mean on my own I don’t understand some once time understand some familiar explain something all about it. Next I hope understand you’re always my classmate why
Because I can’t text somebody and I will did not reply text them. I have no time and busy about something plan about all it. I’m happy got sure felt so good comfortable also I want see to anywhere until when I sometime go to stroll with my boyfriend and I got to go to bedroom I have feel got to sleeping. After when I got wake at night we have at dinner with my family already. Relaxing, I have a good time and this afternoon I just got my dream understand of the book it’s because I love doing book dream understand they are reading everyday or sometime I have a busy that I have a part to time class-reading take a homework, we helpful to them also in my heart because with my family that is all.

Relationship in our Love

How I did know feeling fall in love romance in my life and one exciting 1st time great year as such I felt so be a good friend forever on my him saying about all it. What I saying at him, what did you say something all about it and what is else at him tell me he said like good looking at me but I want it. Why did you like me, he said that it’s feeling very deeply love for me and as same as we will never see you for a long time with you him. I’m already 18 years old I want to have a different image and it’s a good felt beauty and admire the plan for my grew-up also he is very simple and Beautiful or Pretty but it’s very humble about I look is a descriptive and describe just I like it. She said that even as he just signed up with anywhere this November we meet in the first place from Mond. I’m don’t know what is else about it but that is why I just say little with you her by the time he do not bad attitude and background or childhood I’m maybe, I think good looking at him. I’m say just okay but we did to talking I guess I don’t need to exception anything. I enjoyed his appointment, we he’s nice to be with I also felt good when his friend court and how did I don’t know relationship a truth on her. He its try your best also for me saying I felt so good fine thank for you her. I’m a great 1st time our in life also they are good a friends. But I just got at home night and I got up this morning what do I felt so good comforting on the computer online chat-join them already. I just got my dream understand of the book it’s because I love doing reading cooking book dream wish and understand they are reading everyday or sometime I have a busy that I have a part to time class-reading take a homework I can’t just want to him for reply waiting first have my homework because we can’t no need to visit form friend court. I will did not text message on my friend court. Also, before, I wanted to be continuing. But now, I really want to focus on class-reading and study by the time he said got understand at me but okay long, I’m happy with what I do it, as it also gave me the chance to time my studies. I realized as its try myself best. Anywhere I go, people or friends and as I promised my boyfriend I’ll finish college. Sometime it’s tiring, I always go to travel or appointment for my classes mate and Girlfriend. I felt good when I sow ex-childhood remembrance with my mate at Girlfriend. I feel so luck as I grew-up in the states and came here not knowing our country or Philippines at all. I gave my life to him and he said I will keep you always understand. I think he’s living up to his promise. I’m sure honestly with him, I don’t know. I heard some for the future, but I don’t know the reason. I’m still close to his family and I’m helping love doing also he love life when I was inform the truth is Girlfriend got believe it. He is not never give up as break up with me but he said a truth believe in you love for me that both are straight-grew up I am yes of course between when I familiar of her. I know that you are my ex-mate school and we have a picture as I got feel right believe it but how I do not remember too said at her. He got is very happy because of me and he said won’t forget you ever form Kazuko I ‘m saying It's not bad. Its ok you her. I will always remember you and, her you will always believe in your love for me. Too I saying I miss you and as such he said you will always be alive in my heart no matter what I never got don’t like with you her. I really want to meet you but I won’t forget you ever her. I wanted to be continuing how long at 3rd year and 1st month will always love with me. But now, I really want to tell waiting for reply I don’t know about for the future. I’m a happy say yes, of course that is good my heart with you her ever. Jeff said don’t like break up something about all it. I was my break up on her already. he said Why did you wrong is happen this first time you are tess break up with her but I decide that yes, I felt so tell sorry because got my nothing fault with you her. I will tell no more and it’s not bad. Mond said very happy also too you and yes I felt so cool, understand but I never got gave up the chance to meet you and with me. We are together and sweet too much. I’ll making just message gave a letter take a care of always with you her. I never got the letter and kept a letter I never throw of the letter diary it’s lost at Kazuko. What I love doing reading dream understand of the book and home all day by the way I got to go to bedroom I have feel got to sleeping. After when I got wake at night we have at dinner with my family already. Relaxing, I have a good time and he text pleasant between messages long reply at me. Sorry I don’t know you text message you’re my Girlfriend about all it. I tell you don’t worry thinking of me, it’s not bad with you him. I always cellophane text for reply on my classmates and Girlfriend only at good night but I did feel boring doing all day because I can’t text somebody and I will did not reply text them. I have no time and busy about something plan about all it. I’m happy got sure felt so good comfortable also I want see to anywhere until when I sometime go to stroll with my Girlfriend and my family for all also we are prayer as such Love of God……

“Management Time”

I was have no time because I did like any have assignment very stress that is why I got feeling tired so, I think try self better work hard also discipline on time even only everyday have a assignment and I sometime don’t have time conflict in our schedule stress, Its be cool and I felt so comforting because relaxing, have a good time I love doing just interesting DEAF SPORT PROGRAM and DEAF PERFORMANCE ARTS, chunky or eating anytime this only always. When I got just at home but have my schedule depend on my time and class regular sometime irregular I have a part to time because of course it’s so harder my to be still in the school. I will try best think do any subject very stress in our homework or it does depend on my time by each to other. I want it but I will not to going appointment the anywhere time so, they are reading and have my assignment focus on first. By the time I did feel patience experience my study well sometime my cellophane text at friend or each to other. Last I got on the cellophane message receive at he said you are did reply long on me but I am sorry coz I am busy too much so I just say little text send with you him already but I have a busy time all-day. I really want to meet you but sometime it’s depending on my time. I always with my classmate in our homework. We to talking on television news happen what I know that analyze I got sometime understand but words it do meaning with easy just asking that only each to other. It’s so difficult explain to understand or summarize describe their gesture with communicate and understand because I felt so good aware and realize from thru with my barkada and close friend said why they are happen something, somebody about all it. I think so, felt too bad some another are people and Adjustment environments good influence or bad influence this happen because our household for the parents and children knock-out all migration place to another. Why household was stay in the street how long the year we are not allow but we are people very is sensitive, have panic on time and complaining tell got mad to sever or government other. What I say about doesn’t know this happened is today to be still and it’s so difficult, problem too many place in the way other and living household focus to the poor or worse it’s depend on time I think so, I just looking and sometime observe that I know mean reason only. When I felt during have class regular on time and relaxing arrive somebody classmate not yet and my classmates we talkative with me anyway yes I know too about is happen block household knock-out very pity and life hard all about it. I’m feeing learning much and understand experience need curious how to learn social and environment. I want it but I don’t feeling stress to studying and homework subject other that is why I thinking have a trouble I hate talking with friend or classmate help need depend too many me always, I felt so position understand alright ok but I sometime just little help teach studies explain to understand subject other also saint benide dignity we students and each to other. I learning form you teacher learn a lesson and too never forget. A week class regular I sometime too late during have traffic slow a bus for waiting because I got mood feeling too bad, sensitive but I hate pass to difficult are people confuse that is why very is sun this morning and early very is fast o’clock on time. I just take a rest only always because I got love ice water drinking and I felt so cool at home and later dinner at be late night 11:10pm o’clock after already I got to eating full. I just take a rest watching on television overtime already I got to go sleeping prayer time. I got up at 9: am this morning but I got feeling very industry normal because it’s well, I think trying on my time breakfast I like need drink milk but I like water, it’s so no mind. What I doing before thinking take a bath and I felt so cool and relief take a rest just watching our garden on my house and outside just watching I feeling comforting don’t have a problem or feeling very stress big have a time thinking for schedule and personal that is why I felt so cool also flexible I like it but sometime I have a part to time and they are reading study hard and have assignment only always and that is good discipline their studies and teacher have given take everyday subject other. I feeling do think more to learning and realize a lesson by studies and school, college this take course degree is more to learn and understand more than what thinking I doing any things or bad influence and happen anywhere other. They are reading about is very stress and burden about story and understand by the time I felt thinking more invent no problem or including school, work, eating, sleeping at o’clock regular on time form our people of the worlds. I felt so, learning what is about a story from book dream and brain head too many deep the words and understand in minds. It’s my understand what I doing loving different the both subject other studying and any reading topic headline or topic about is story, meaning words and I will always of thinking best and I feeling love cool but sometime I did not always too bad each to other. I want it but I felt so comfortable or good as same as time that I know you are one my ex-best friend have a problem big pregnant feeling said did can’t to tell hear each to other but why this my best friend meet with friend her already. he got feeling surprise sadly and sometime tell anyone or somebody what I know curious about is happen this some one, I got feeling disappointment because I will no anymore time but I have a busy and regular time go to my home only always but I never see a long time meet and I don’t know week.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Pinoy Cooking Chili


I was 12 years old I want to curious my grandmother Rose busy in our cooking for breakfast, Lunch, Merienda and Dinner kinds of food. How to doing meal different many kinds of meal, I want to curious and observe Grandmother Rose doing in our cooking so I interesting eager learned in our lesson cooking, when I ask to Grandmother Rose, I want to learning about cooking then Grandmother Rose will teach to process for food and meal. I will try learning and interesting cook in our rules and instructor when? My Grandmother Rose willing teach how to learning cooking then Grandmother is very talent in our cooking so Grandmother want to discipline and instructor in our cooking Son Deaf want to training basic cook slow learned doing cook. First mantika, 2 pcs garlic, 2 pcs onion, 2 pcs tomato 5 min hot later put 1 whole rice cook more continue more hot become usok put ½ green beans, ½ round carrot with mix ½ spoon yellow butter with ½ spoon few salt, vestin cook continue later usok 30 min, again other 1 more cook 1st mantika next 12 pcs hotdog, ham continue cook fried finish then I carry serve food for Breakfast ? My family ready eat for Breakfast kinds of foods “Fried Rice”. My grandmother Rose feel happy so much my Son Deaf Son want eager learned different learning many list food in our cooking, My grandmother Rose have other food for lunch about Second Lunch we do 1st mantika, 3 pcs garlic, 3 pcs square onion, 3 pcs tomato more usok ready put 2nd ½ shrimp with 3rd 1 whole square baboy ½ spoon few salt with vestin cook continue become usok, more hot, again other have 12 pcs milkfish then put 1st milkfish clean water without blood, milkfish with salt few next 2nd mantika later put milkfish more cook become fried milkfish finish ready serve carry food 12 m.n , My family eat , different food many share in our family and we have enjoy for time and talking excited with family, kinds of foods “ Sautés Vegetable”. I want to eager, interesting more learned different list of meal in our lesson about Third Merienda we do? 1st water hot more continue cook later usok ready put 1 whole macaroni become soft macaroni next 2nd mantika, 1 whole garlic, 6 pcs onion with corn beef mix sauce tomato more continue cook later usok next mix 1 whole cheese, ½, ½ few spoon salt, vetsin, pineapple continue product finish kinds of Foods” Baked Macaroni” 1 more made 1 whole water with ice kinds of softdrink “Juice” for Merienda? My family feels happy so much for Son Deaf have appreciate thanks for my grandmother Rose need improve more learning good profit and opportunities. My family is very delicious so much for Baked Macaroni wow! I am happy so much and I have learning and self in our self, I want to earn collective for cooking good development in our self true! I have a profit different good opportunity self-develop, eager more. I want to curious more learn about Fourth Dinner 1st mantika, 3 pcs garlic, 3 pcs onion, 3 pcs tomato more cook 5 min next 1 whole sauce tomato mix ½ measuring cups ketchup more cook 15 min more usok put 1 whole square beef next 4 pcs square potato, 4 pcs square carrot, 2pcs chili green with ½ spoon few salt, vestin more cook continue later hot much. I want try taste right or wrong which taste food my grandmother Rose more talent all knowledge about different many food. Kinds of foods “Menudo” MI want to try responsible for cooking for Dinner, how to doing! I want to wish about dream interest cooking, why? Because I want to responsible for all cooking learned different in our lesson have many food list, self-develop, continue more improve visual about doing in our cooking when? Last I want to chance experience responsible for family and feed eat for my family? I have a planning for wife after I have a t son, daughter feed food, I want to responsible cooking in our family hard work part time in our house many different role in work. I want to independence my family careful son, daughter good life is very beauty wow!

Dear Grandmother Rose
I would like to hear how everyone else is successes. So that you are stand good responsible and role. Let you know about our Family. Here is the big opportunities to experience with cooking education I'm so excited that My grandmother Rose continue to support us to further develop this education. No amount of money could have ever paid for the care and concern you continue to show them. Here give me full scholarship. You can continue advocacy to support them. I am proud of you. So I kept thinking about my successful in the future. I able to change as a challenge in my life, try solving for their need and supporting them whatever I fail, problem to be avoid bad thing. I should continue to do the best. I will continue to pray that people would continue to open up their hearts and give to your Pinoy Cooking.
God bless you and thank you so much for caring about exceptional children.
Thanks for your support,
Reymond A. Ilagan

Deaf Crew Members of Jollibee Foods Corporation

Deaf Crew Members of Jollibee Foods Corporation strike a pose with Aga Muhlach

Nary persons, there were also some”Strugggling moments” in his life. At one point he was at his lowest in his career and his only ace was his talent as an artist. Through hardwork Aga slowly gained his lost ground and was abled to climb up to become one of the most in-demand actors and product endorses as well.Thankalso to his manager Manay Ethel Ramos (as friends call her) for being his pole when times were hard and unfriendly to him.

His being a Aga Muhlach though helped a bit. Coming from the blood- line of his Tita Amalia Fuentes who was once a queen of the Philippine cinema, Aga is also a cousin to the former “Wonder Kids” Nino Muhlach and to the demure and porcelain-skinned Liezel Sumilang, who also tried showbiz but didn’t stay longer when she decide to marry versatile actor Albert Martinez.

Aga has done more than a dozen films like came seriously linked with Dayanara. But then their story also ended.

When he formally announced his intentions to marry Charlene, Aga broke the many hearts of men (?) and women…But a lot were happy too!!

Their romance is like a modern fairy tale there was a handsome prince looking for a princess with whom he could share the rest of his life and his promise of love until the end of time!

Now, Aga is a changed man and we believed that it is for good. Forget about his baby fats and boy-next-door appeal since Aga has grown to be a more mature and responsible man. Beyond his physical growth, his outlook, philosophy and concept in life had also changed.

Today, Aga leads a secure life. He is a stable and respected actor and has built a house for Charlene and their twins Atasha and Andres.

Aga on his love for the Deaf
Can Deaf People be to her, training each Deaf Worker is a four-phrased process?

Providing Work
“The Jollibee program of providing work to the Deaf actually extends beyond the hearing disabled worker” Rose Vergara says, “The other beneficiaries are their families, the employer (JOLLIBEE) and government.”

These stakeholders (to use the language of the corporate world) benefit in many ways, some more obvious than others. Government, for example, benefits when the private sector assumes some responsibility for helping make the disabled productive-and earning-citizens.

“There are 4.5 million Deaf Persons in the Philippines,” says Jollibee Food Corporation Vice President for human resources Robert T. Pobete. “Most of them are from less privileged families who are also our main customer who are also main customer base. while it is, of course, not possible for us to help all of them, this program enables us to gives back something in a meaningful way. ‘
Everybody Wins
At the end of the day, everybody win. Jollibee makes no claims that this is the only corporate program of its kind, nor is it the only company with a heart for the disabled. Indeed \, with corporate social responsibility program becoming more common in an increasingly scrutinized world of business and industry, some cynical eyebrows might even be raised.

But this does not deter Jollibee from continuing with its mission-to encourage the corporate world to accept persons with disabilities in the work force.

For Raymond, Bernie and the rest of the “Normal” people they work with-in Jollibee Green Meadows Libis branch that is all beside the point.

They simply love what they are doing. And it shows. (For more of our Deaf Brothers and Sisters, you can visit them in Rose H. Vergara Women in Fashion Boutique along Roces Avenue Cor. Quezon Avenue, and at The Aga Muhlach Centre for the Deaf in Sct. Tobias Quezon City.

(STEAMDPFI), of which Aga is the chairperson, she got Jollibee and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to create a training and employment program for the Deaf People as Members of the Community.

Whoever said that hearing disability is a barrier for excellence? Members of the press (us included) were moved after hearing their testimonies and life stories. Now we clearly understand them.

Aga’s commitment to his project for Deaf People is of public knowledge. This all began in 1997 when he was joined by three Deaf-and-Normal kids in a Jollibee TV Commercial to raise toys for “MaAga Ang Pasko” According to Rose Vergara of the Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management Deaf Persons Foundation Inc.

Good day!
I would like to tell you about myself. My name is Reymond A. Ilagan. My position is Deaf Crew (Deaf Crew Trainor). And I am a Deaf Crew and 3rd years, Deaf Crew Members of Jollibee Foods Corporation partner STEAMDPFI MEMBER. I am writing this is for you about congratulation and appreciation. You show us that you able to do each other to service with other people. I read the story is about you. It related COMMUNICATION SKILLS-ENGLISH company or business. You share us about your experience. I believed that you can do everything. And you support to the Exceptional Children. I admired you. I do like form you.. I should serve and help with poor people and include exceptional children.I would like to hear how everyone else is successes. So that you are stand blind woman. Let you know about our school. Here is the big opportunities to experience with education I'm so excited that SDEAS continue to support us to further develop this education. No amount of money could have ever paid for the care and concern you continue to show them. Here give me full scholarship. You can continue advocacy to support them. I am proud of you. So I kept thinking about my successful in the future. I able to change as a challenge in my life, try solving for their need and supporting them whatever I fail, problem to be avoid bad thing. I should continue to do the best. I will continue to pray that people would continue to open up their hearts and give to your program. God bless you and thank you so much for caring about exceptional children.
Thanks for your support,
Reymond A. Ilagan

Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management Deaf Persons Foundation Inc and 1st Case Conference on Mainstreaming Deaf Youths, held recently at

Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management Deaf Persons Foundation Inc
Chairperson Aga Muhlach is joined by Her Excellency Austrilan ambassador to the Philippines Ruth Pearce in the 1st Case Conference on Mainstreaming Deaf Youths, held recently at the Development Academy of the Philippines.

We know Aga Muhlach handsome and kind-hearted sitcom guy on ABS-CBN.He’s even more popular with the romantic and heart-warming roles he essays in his movies. He is all these and much more.

Up close, Aga is warm, funny and a dignified man. It was a real privilege to see him again (our very first meeting was in the launch of his “MaAga Ang Pasko” in September 2000) in person. In this second encounter with Aga, gone were the fans who regularly trail him wherever he goes, or the boyish and bedimpled smile he never forgets to flash when stepping into a room of showbiz people.

Aga- undeniably one of the biggest male stars of his generation and one of the highest paid in his class-was different when we got the chance to rub elbows with him in the recent “1st Case Conference on Mainstreaming Deaf Youths, “ held at the Development Academy of the Philippines in Pasig City.

Dressed in black pants, off white barong-tagalog and a pair of black leather shoes, Aga’s easy and warm smile had relaxed us for this interview.

Many things are happening in Aga’s life and sure many of us want to hear more of his life, love story and his passion for the Deaf People…

Aga on his life and Love
Aga’s life has always been an open book. Being in the biz world since his teen years (remember he stared in “Bagets”), he has had almost everything’s. And like an order. “Bagets 1 & 2 “Miguelito,” “Sinungaling Mong Puso,” “May Minamahal”, “Nagiisang Bituin”, ” Sana Maulit Muli”, Forever”, “Oki Doki Dok The Movie”, “Dahil May Isang Ikaw” and “ Alam Mo Na Ba Ang L8est?” among many others.

Before he tied the knot last year with former beauty titlist Charlene Gonzalez, his lovelife was as colorful as his roles as an actor. How many women did he get involved with before he found his pretty wife.

As known to many, there was Janice de Belen (with whom he has a lovechild by the name of Igi Boy) Mikee Conjuangco, Aiko Melendez and Dayanara Torres. And as far as we can recall, there were talks of marriage when he be-productive inspite of their particular disability? What can Deaf Persons do which will have value to someone else?

These individuals many not be capable of hearing but seeing them strive to live a normal life really touched our hearts.

Aga’s commitment to his project for Deaf People is of public knowledge. This all began in 1997 when he was joined by three Deaf-and-Normal kids in a Jollibee TV Commercial to raise toys for “MaAga Ang Pasko” According to Rose Vergara of the Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management Deaf Persons Foundation Inc.

(STEAMDPFI), of which Aga is the chairperson, she got Jollibee and the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to create a training and employment program for the Deaf People as Members of the Community.

Whoever said that hearing disability is a barrier for excellence? Members of the press (us included) were moved after hearing their testimonies and life stories. Now we clearly understand them.

These concerns, Aga attends to in the midst of a hectic work schedule. Right now, he is filming a Star Cinema movie production which he will co-star with Claudine Barretto.

When asked what could be his greated influence in this project, the 32 years old Aga answered: “Bilang tagapangsalita nila ako sa lahat ng mga projects na gagawin. In my own little way, maiparamdam ko sana sa kanila na mayroon silang buhay. At iyon ang gusto kong ibigay sa kanila.”

(For more of our Deaf Brothers and Sisters, you can visit them in Rose H. Vergara Women in Fashion Boutique along Roces Avenue Cor. Quezon Avenue, and at The Aga Muhlach Centre for the Deaf in Sct. Tobias Quezon City.

Monday, February 13, 2006

These Jollibee Crew hear with their heart


The same time acts as national trainer of (Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management)

A. social worker and Behavioral Therapist by profession, Vergara has long had a soft sport the disabled, her shop in fact gives hiring preference to the Deaf. Her husband works closely with her in the tedious task of preparing Deaf Persons to enter the world of work. This task she explains includes the understandably anxious restaurant staff.

Vergara is, of course extremely appreciative of Jollibee and Muhlach, who has become a supportive friend. According

Walk into the huge modern Jollibee outlet at the corner of Green Meadows and Libis in Quezon City and chance are, the brightest smiles to greet you will belong to two totally Deaf young men wearing the familiar Jollibee Uniform.

It is all part of a program quietly launched in 1997 to provide work opportunities to Deaf Persons with a target number of two such persons in all Jollibee stores nationwide. The program is actually a brainchild of actor (and Jollibee endorser) Aga Muhlach, who broached the idea to Jollibee senior some years ago that moved the young actor.

Late 1995
It was late 1995 Jollibee’s flagship corporate social responsibility initiative then was called “MaAGA ang Pasko” a nationwide voluntary toy-giving program for poor children. As soon as the Program was publicized, a deaf young man working as a sales clerk in a clothes boutique mentioned to one the shop’s regular customer – who happens to be the actor longtime manager- that he wanted to make a toy donation.

The talent managers, Ethel Ramos, arranged for the clerk Cromwell Umali, to meet the actor by chance, this and personally give his donation. And that was that-or so they thought.

Two years after making his donation, Cromwell met the actor by chance, this time at a coffee shop in Quezon City. Muhlach graciously received the Deaf man. The actor, it turned out, had done some reflecting in the interim. He was deeply moved by the gesture two years earlier, and wanted to do something bigger.

Muhlach then broached to Jollibee Management the idea of hiring Deaf Person in the company’s outlet.

“They are extremely motivated and their work output is outstanding” says Jollibee Green Meadows store manager Ma’am Nanette Leuterio of 21 years olds Raymond A. Ilagan and 35 years old Bernie Villavelez, the two Deaf members on her store team. “They are also well-loved by the rest of the crew and regarded by all as just any other regular guys”

Very Sensitive
She also adds that Bernie and Raymond have an advantage in one critical aspect-indeed what makes the competitive advantage in an intensely service oriented industry: “They are very sensitive to customer’s feelings”

Launching the program required networking with an Non- Government Organization called Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management Foundation In. what means STEAM? “Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management”, and it is exactly what they do. Its executive director is Mrs. Rose Vergara, who owns the boutique where Cromwell worked. (Cromwell now works in the Office of the President in Malacanang and These Jollibee crew hears with their hearts.

Silent Communication with Bernie Villavelez, Raymond A. Ilagan and Cromwell Umali, whose toy donation to MaAga and Pasko in 1995 started it all.

JOLLIBEE’S quietest workers-Bernie Villavelez and Raymond A. Ilagan (Left – Right) received the Deaf man Aga was deeply moved by the gesture two years earlier, and wanted to do something bigger.

Muhlach then broached to Jollibee Management the idea of hiring Deaf Persons in the company’s outlets. Management was receptive, and the experience since has been extremely positive.

“They are extremely motivated and their work output is outstanding” says Jollibee Green Meadows store manager Ma’am Nanette Leuterio of Raymond Ilagan and Bernie Villavelez, the two totally Deaf members on her store team. Launching the program required networking with an NGO called the STEAM Foundation INC what they do.

It is executive director is Rose Vergara, who owns the boutique where Cromwell worked. (Cromwell now works in the office President in Malacanang and at the same time acts as national trainer of (Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management Foundation Inc).

A social worker and behavioral therapist by profession, Vergara has long had a soft spot for the disabled: her shop, in fact, gives hiring preference to the Deaf. Her husband work closely with her in the tedious task of preparing Deaf Persons to enter the world of work.

“There are 4.5 million Deaf Persons in the Philippines” says Jollibee Food Corporation Vice President for human resources Robert T. Poblete.

“Most of them are form less privileged families who are also our main customer base. While it is, of course, not possible for us to help all of them, this program enables us to give back something in a meaningful way”

The program is actually an idea of Aga Muhlach (Jollibee endorser). It was late 1995. Jollibee flagship corporate social responsibility initiative then was called “MaAga ang Pasko” a nationwide voluntary toy-giving program was publicized, a Deaf young man working as a sales clerk in a clothes boutique mentioned to one of the shop’s regular customer –who happened to the actor’s longtime manager-that he wanted to make a toy donation.

The talent manager Ethel Ramos, arranged for the clerk, Cromwell Umali, to meet the Actor and personally give his donation, Cromwell met the actor by chance, this time at a coffee shop in Quezon City Muhlach graciously.

Thanks for your message we are happy with my (Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management Foundation Inc). Member and we are accept, we hope that we will be a good cooperative and support Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management and Member very hard work until we get successful in the Deaf Community well and trust to us, always pray for safe in our life and in the world. What I known we want to us become my Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management and Member special brother and sister in family because we known always trust and cooperative hard work in Special Training Employment Advocacy and Management and Member

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The life of Helen Keller

The life of Helen Keller

A term paper submitted to the faculty
School of Deaf Student Education and Applied Studies of
De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde

In partial fulfillment for the course

Submitted by:
Reymond A. Ilagan
E3A/ BAPDST-Multimedia Arts

Submitted to:
Miss. Clarice Bondoc

February 8, 2006

Table of Content


I. Helen Keller’s background………………………………………………. 1
II. The life of Helen…………………………………………………………. 1
A. Helen falls ill…………………………………………………………. 1
B. Anne Sullivan………………………………………………………… 1
C. Helen meets Anne……………………………………………………. 2
D. Helen enters Radcliffe College……………………………………….. 3
E. The Miracle Worker………………………………………………….. 3
III. Implication to the Reader………………………………………………… 3
IV. Summary…………………………………………………………………. 3
V. Bibliography……………………………………………………..……3 - 5
VI. Appendix…………………………………………………………………. 6


Helen Keller

During her life, Helen Keller was one of the world’s great heroes. It is therefore not surprising that Helen Keller today remains a woman whose astounding personality and accomplishments attract widespread admiration and awe.
A passionate and determined advocate for other people with disabilities, Helen Keller began to work with the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) in 1924. The Helen Keller Archives at AFB’s national headquarters in New York City contain a wealth of photographs, papers, artifacts, and books from her library. A rich and representative sampling of Helen Keller’s materials can be found in the collection searchable on this web site.
The Helen Keller Photograph Collection captures images from almost every aspect of Miss Keller’s life. The photographs that appear on the site are selected representations from the full collection.
The Helen Keller Papers, which constitute the majority of the archival material left by Miss Keller, are varied and fascinating in their scope and content. The collection contains an array of items, including draft copies of Miss Keller’s most famous published and unpublished writings, formal and informal correspondence, and manuscripts of the many plays and films about Miss Keller’s life. The Helen Keller Papers are organized according to subject areas that are listed on the site. The Helen Keller Artifacts and Memorabilia Collection contains, for the most part, gifts Miss Keller received during her extensive world travels, as well as her many awards and diplomas. Selected images of these artifacts and memorabilia appear on this site as well.
The Helen Keller Archival Collection web pages have been made possible through the generous support of The New York Times Company Foundation.

I. Helen Keller’s Background
Helen Adams Keller was born on 27 June 1880 in Tuscumbia, a small rural town in Northwest Alabama, USA. The daughter of Captain Arthur Henley Keller and Kate Adams Keller she was born with full sight and hearing.
Kate Keller was a tall, statuesque blond with blue eyes. The house they lived in was a simple, white, clapboard house built in 1820 by Helen’s grandparents. Helen’s mother, as well as working on the plantation, would save money by making her own butter, lard, bacon and ham.

II. The life of Helen

A. Helen falls ill
Helen’s life was to change dramatically. In February 1882, when Helen was nineteen months old, she fell ill. The doctors of the time called it “brain fever”, whilst modern day doctors think it may have been scarlet fever or meningitis.
Whatever the illness, Helen was, for many days, expected to die. When, eventually, the fever subsided, Helen’s family rejoiced believing their daughter to be well again.
The following few years proved very hard for Helen and her family. Helen became a very difficult child, smashing dishes and lamps and terrorising the whole household with her screaming and temper tantrums. By the time Helen was six her family had become desperate. Looking after Helen was proving too much for them. This expert was Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, Bell was now concentrating on what he considered his true vocation, the teaching of deaf children.
Michael Anagnos considered Helen’s case and immediately recommended a former pupil of the institution, that woman was Anne Sullivan.

B. Anne Sullivan

Anne Sullivan had lost the majority of her sight at the age of five. Anne’s brother died in the poorhouse. One summer during her time at the institute, Anne had two operations on her eyes, which led to her regaining enough sight to be able to read normal print for short periods of time.

Anne graduated from Perkins in 1886 and began to search for work. Finding work was terribly difficult for Anne, due to her poor eyesight, and when she received the offer from Michael Anagnos to work as the teacher of Helen Keller, a deaf-blind mute, although she had no experience in this area, she accepted willingly.

C. Helen meets Anne

On 3 March 1887 Anne arrived at the house in Tuscumbia and for the first time met Helen Keller. Anne immediately started teaching Helen to finger spell. Spelling out the word “Doll” to signify a present she had brought with her for Helen. The next word she taught Helen was “Cake”. Although Helen could repeat these finger movements she could not quite understand what they meant. And while Anne was struggling trying to help her understand, she was also struggling to try and control Helen’s continuing bad behaviour.
Anne and Helen moved into a small cottage on the land of the main house to try and get Helen to improve her behaviour. Of particular concern were Helen’s table manners. Anne’s attempts to improve Helen’s table manners and make her brush her own hair and button her shoes led to more and more temper tantrums. Anne punished these tantrums by refusing to “talk” with Helen by spelling words on her hands.
Helen had until now not yet fully understood the meaning of words. As Anne pumped the water over Helen’s hand , Anne spelled out the word water in the girl’s free hand. Helen later recounted the incident:
Helen immediately asked Anne for the name of the pump to be spelt on her hand and then the name of the trellis. All the way back to the house Helen learned the name of everything she touched and also asked for Anne’s name. Anne spelled the name “Teacher” on Helen’s hand. Within the next few hours Helen learnt the spelling of thirty new words.
Helen’s progress from then on was astonishing. It wasn’t long before Anne was teaching Helen to read, firstly with raised letters and later with braille, and to write with both ordinary and braille typewriters.
Helen had become famous, and as well as again visiting Alexander Graham Bell, she visited President Cleveland at the White House. In March of that year Helen met Mary Swift Lamson who over the coming year was to try and teach Helen to speak.

D. Helen enters Radcliffe College
Life at Radcliffe was very difficult for Helen and Anne, and the huge amount of work involved led to deterioration in Anne’s eyesight. During their time at the College Helen began to write about her life. On 28 June 1904 Helen graduated from Radcliffe College, becoming the first deafblind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree.
John Macy became good friends with Helen and Anne, and in May 1905 John and Anne were married. Anne’s name now changed to Anne Sullivan Macy. The three lived together in Wrentham, Massachusetts, and during this time Helen wrote “The World I Live In”, revealing for the first time her thoughts on her world. Everyone now knew Helen’s political views.

E. The Miracle Worker
A drama portraying Anne Sullivan’s first success in communicating with Helen as a child, it first appeared as a live television play in the United States. In 1959 it was re-written as a Broadway play and opened to rave reviews.
III. Implication to the Reader

To able and satisfy to read each benefit in all the book. It helps you to guide to be success. And reader make you inspire this is beautiful of the story. How you can do to apply like that you want success. Reader learned in each vocabulary and a new word. .Reader able to change as a challenge in their read, not any problems to be avoid. There were good opportunities and a lot of benefit in everything.

IV. Summary

About the life of Helen Keller, the deafblind woman who became a role model for millions of people.

V. Bibliography

Helen Keller: Bibliography
Selected References from the M.C. Migel Memorial Library:
This bibliography contains books from the American Foundation for the Blind M.C. Migel Memorial Library. The M.C. Migel Memorial Library is a non-circulating reference collection, and its materials are not available for loan. Feel free to contact the Information Center to make an appointment to use them on-site. The Interlibrary Loan Department of your local library may also be able to help you identify potential lenders of these materials.
Benjamin, Anne. (c1992). Young Helen Keller.
Mahwah, N.J.: Troll Associates.
Dash, Joan. (2001). The world at her fingertips.
New York: Scholastic Press.
Einhorn, Lois J., 1952. (c1998). Helen Keller, public speaker.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
Gibson, William. (1957). The miracle worker: a play for television.
New York: Alfred A Knopf.
Gins, Madeline. (c1994). Helen Keller or Arakawa.
Santa Fe, N.M.: New York: Burning Books; with East-West Cultural Studies; distributor D.A.P.
Graff, Stewart. (1991). Helen Keller.
New York: Dell.
Hartig, Rachel M. (1997). Out of Darkness: A Spiritual Trajectory of Two Teachers and Their Students.
Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University.
Herrmann, Dorothy. (1998). Helen Keller.
New York: A. Knopf.
Hurwitz, Johanna. (c1997). Helen Keller.
New York: Random House.
Klages, Mary Krag. (1989). "More wonderful than any fiction"
Kudlinski, Kathleen V. (1991). Helen Keller: a light for the blind.
New York: Puffin Books.
Lash, Joseph P. (1981). Helen and teacher.
New York: Delta/Seymour Lawrence.
Lundell, Margo. (c1995). A girl named Helen Keller.
New York: Scholastic.
Markham, Lois. (1993). Helen Keller.
New York: Franklin Watts.
Mulholland, Mary Ellen. (1986). Helen Keller: Worker for the Blind.
New York: American Foundation for the Blind.
Nicholson, Lois, 1949. (1996). Helen Keller.
New York: Chelsea House Publishers.
Otsu, Eiichiro. (1964). Helen Keller: the story of my life.
Tokyo: Tsurumi Shoten.

Priestnal, Clayton. (1980). The Country of My Heart.
Pennsylvania: The Helen Keller Centenary.

Sabin, Francene. (c1998). The courage of Helen Keller.
Mahwah, NJ: Troll.
St. George, Judith. (1993). Dear Dr. Bell--your friend, Helen Keller.
New York: Beech Tree Books.
Tames, Richard. (1989). Helen Keller.
New York: Franklin Watts.
Wepman, Dennis. (c1987). Helen Keller.
New York: Chelsea House.
Wilkie, Katharine Elliott, 1904. (1986). Helen Keller.
New York: Aladdin Books.

VI. Appendix

Dear Helen Keller,

Good day!

I would like to tell you about myself. My name is Reymond A. Ilagan. My course is BAPDST (Multimedia Arts). And I am a Deaf student and 3rd year college, School of Deaf Education and Applied Studies of De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde. I am writing this is for you about congratulation and appreciation. You show us that you able to do each other to service with other people. I read the story is about you. It related COMMUNICATION SKILLS-ENGLISH subject or class. You share us about your experience. I believed that you can do everything. And you support to the Exceptional Children. I admired you. I do like form you.. I should serve and help with poor people and include exceptional children.

I would like to hear how everyone else is successes. So that you are stand blind woman. Let you know about our school. Here is the big opportunities to experience with education I'm so excited that SDEAS continue to support us to further develop this education. No amount of money could have ever paid for the care and concern you continue to show them. Here give me full scholarship. You can continue advocacy to support them. I am proud of you. So I kept thinking about my successful in the future. I able to change as a challenge in my life, try solving for their need and supporting them whatever I fail, problem to be avoid bad thing. I should continue to do the best. I will continue to pray that people would continue to open up their hearts and give to your program. God bless you and thank you so much for caring about exceptional children.

Thanks for your support,
Reymond A. Ilagan


Friday, January 13, 2006

11th Deaf Festival 2005

11th Deaf Festival 2005
Theme: “Building Bonds and Filipino Deaf Pride”

I am being for 11th Deaf Festival 2005 story of committee also, I am being enjoy and happy for groups in committee about discussion how to planning for program activity. I am responsible and harder work for document in our meeting; I have my committee for being cooperative with me. I always notice and reminder for calendar how to process in our meeting on time but still harder explain for 11th Deaf Festival 2005. I feel so tired and make helpless. I don’t want give up in our meeting. I observe my group committee is very hard work. I really is little responsible for my program activity. I always makulit and ask with Chairperson Kim Xavier. Chairperson Kim Xavier will consultation about how process for activity on Monday to Friday, I always have done duty in our schedule for activity. I know it, I always check up schedule and reserve for place my duty and responsible why someone duty for committee registration don’t want lazy for duty and not for 11th Deaf Festival 2005 why I feel hurt and make me so angry. Sometimes I arrive house night. I am not mind so I look hard my committee sometime tumor and not cooperative. I feel tired why someone committee registration and token, food no concern for program activity, meeting in our 11th Deaf Festival 2005, someone is not responsible for duty and meeting. He is very patience only. Sometimes I was not respectful for duty in our meeting. I feel helpless so much because someone committee was not cooperative respectful, impolite and boastful. My committee works harder then my committee cooperative and supporting will finish work then submitted in our document. Why my committee always tumor and miscommunication and me because he was not ready for schedule and not cooperative, conflict in our schedule for activity. I hate someone committee registration already, I have done duty for document in our activity. Because he have need something and help for assistance but My committee help to me and support and cooperative only, hard work continue for activity in our schedule then I will advocacy for school and organization different for community in and out hearing people. My committee have a good news old committee will help and consultation for 11th Deaf Festival 2005 but I think maybe finish for my activity in our 11th Deaf Festival 2005 I hope that us will be a good work and cooperative very patience until they get successful my committee for 11th Deaf Festival 2005 sure, My committee will matter tumor or fighter but committee work continue done for activity in our 11th Deaf Festival 2005 then My committee submitted on time to M’ Nicky will check up and edit for document for activity only. I am tired only. I was mood bad my groups in committee change different attitude then I don’t want good attitude so I want to try best cooperative and attend in our meeting, I have appointment and emergency for 11th Deaf Festival 2005. My duty in our activity and schedule. He feel suffer, patience and obey in our meeting, I always sometime not follow rule in our meeting. I will try best work hard for program activity arrive in our 11th Deaf festival 2005 I am have something wrong and accept for committee and chairperson because he have awareness about my interpersonal and feel analysis in heart and mind so I hope that I have done wrong my fault in our program activity after I go home later night. he is going to church and my best friend will advise to me . I will accept and understand, I want listen to My committee what Chairperson Kim Xavier speak to us, I always try best doing work hard until they get will be a good successful and reach goal for 11th Deaf Festival 2005, I get already reach goal my 11th Deaf Festival 2005 well. Because he already show 11th Deaf Festival in our program activity for Monday to Friday, I still work with my committee for duty in our program activity

I am being hated matter in the problem in our personal. My committee don’t give up on us, they sometime patience cooperative and support for program activity in our school different organization in or out community. We want to show 11th Deaf Festival good opportunities for Deaf Culture and Community own uniqueness and creative, advocacy for in or out community perspective awareness Deaf Can Do It and Deaf Culture and Pride in our 11th Deaf Festival 2005. We have proud of us.

This is my article paper about 11th Deaf Festival 2005 Theme: “Building Bonds and Filipino Deaf Pride”. It is Deaf Community and unique and Deaf Education for Opportunities in our Program Activity. That relating to sight and able to be seen and learn more about the common programming model. It relates to work shows sensitivity and imagination.
The Art of Conversation is about collection of Art that specific to be innovative. It has been acquired by training. It shows the use of computer that promoting in Art.
It helps the technology as new needs. And other the information is about technology. It is a new thing by technology. And all of them are making a difference style Art. Deaf Can Do It.

I am start being to try best my committee reach goal get successful 11th Deaf Festival 2005 variety show last today because they want to try best patience and a good role in our committee my life good work hard and cooperative. I want to show good role and responsible for my committee and chairperson. I hope that me will be a good role and study very harder work I am responsible for my leader and I have sometime matter little problem my life, try best hard reach goal and until I get congratulation so well.
I am happy with committee; I want to be continuing study and hard work. I hope that I always pray for safe my student, good keep up the work and be responsible for my building and house. I really special love you very much my education for opportunities and support for 11th Deaf Festival 2005 thank for your Faculty and SDEAS.
I make a write and Story of 11th Deaf Festival 2005 real, I feel suffer …